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Description of work

Terms of reference

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Description of work

The Standing Committee on Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service (the Committee) was established in December 1987. It advises the Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China on the pay and conditions of service of judges and judicial officers.


Terms of reference

  • The Committee will advise and make recommendations to the Chief Executive on
    • the structure, i.e. number of levels and salary level; and conditions of service and benefits other than salary appropriate to each rank of judges and judicial officers and other matters relating thereto;
    • matters relating to the system, institutional structure, methodology and mechanism for the determination of judicial salary and other matters relating thereto which the Chief Executive may refer to the Committee; and
    • any other matter as the Chief Executive may refer to the Committee.
  • The Committee will also, when it so determines, conduct an overall review of the matters referred to in I(a) above. In the course of this, the Committee should accept the existing internal structure of the Judiciary and not consider the creation of new judicial offices. If, however, the Committee in an overall review discovers anomalies, it may comment upon and refer such matters to the Chief Justice, Court of Final Appeal.